Tara Shahbahrami

Principal Consultant

I am an Employment Law Barrister, Mediator and Investigator with 17 years’ experience. I work with clients in the private, public and not for profit sectors and represent both organisations and individuals.

I have conducted a wide variety of complex and sensitive workplace investigations. The investigations typically arise in a grievance, whistleblowing or disciplinary context. I have assisted a wide variety of clients, including charities, unions, regulators, universities and banks. My work has involved a wide range of serious concerns, including bullying and harassment, sexual misconduct, race, sex and disability discrimination and theft. I am comfortable dealing with individuals at any level, including senior leadership. I am used to investigating multiple allegations and joint complaints made by teams and work as both a sole investigator or as part of a team.

My approach is to put people at ease and to carry out my work in an efficient and proportionate way. I draw on prior experience of interviewing, preparing cases and reviewing and advising on investigations to make sure my findings are robust, fair and justified.

I like to help resolve disputes at the earliest stage. I became a CEDR accredited mediator in 2010 and have been involved in many workplace mediations. I have experienced the process both as the mediator and as the representative of a participant. I have seen how effective it can be at enabling people to find solutions to problems that had appeared to be insurmountable.

My litigation and advisory experience includes appearing at employment tribunals, the Employment Appeal Tribunal and the High Court. I have represented respondents and claimants, including on a pro bono basis. I have advised on a wide variety of issues, including discrimination, disciplinaries (dismissals and other sanctions), contract and employment issues on business transfers. I am also an experienced trainer and lecturer on employment law and courtroom skills.

2011 - present: Associate, Mediator, byrne·dean

2006 - 2011: Barrister, 11KBW Chambers

2004 –2005: International Law Clerk, Special War Crimes Court, Sarajevo

BA First Class Honours (Law), University of Nottingham

Bar Vocational Course (Outstanding)

Universitas 21 Scholarship, Hong Kong University

Mental Health First Aider

Trained in D,E&I

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Tara Shahbahrami

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